

The arctool command line tool does several things.

  1. Provides templates for meta data associated with a project in the plain text yaml file format
  2. Provides a means to generate a manifest with meta data for all files in a data directory
  3. Provides directory structure templates for archiving data
  4. Provides wrappers to create tar archives
  5. Provides wrappers to gzip tar archives
  6. Provides wrappers to verify the integrity of files in gzipped tar archives

Below is a high level overview of the workflow.



arctool is a tool for archiving data.

Install or load the tool

JIC users can load the arctool program on the cluster using the command below.

source /common/software/linuxbrew/Cellar/lmod/5.9.3/lmod/5.9.3/init/bash
module use /common/modulefiles/Core
module load arctool

To install the tool manually see installation_notes.

Creating a staging area

First you will need to create an archiving staging area.

$ mkdir archive_staging_area
$ cd archive_staging_area

Making a new archive

Warning: this section of the documentation assumes functionality that will be added in a future release. Specifically, the creation of project part of the directory structure is not yet implemented.

To start building an archive use arctool new, this will create a directory structure in the working directory (archive_staging_area) and prompt you to specify some meta data associated with the project.

$ arctool new

# Add ouput here

This results in the directory structure below.

$ tree some_project

# Add output here

Editing dataset meta data

Inspect and extend the some_project/data_set_1/README.yml as necessary. This file is meant to provide overall meta data of the data set.

$ cat some_project/data_set_1/README.yml

# Add output here

Moving data into the dataset in the staging area

Move your data to be archived into the some_project/data_set_1/archive directory.

$ mv ~/my_old_project/data_set_1/* some_project/data_set_1/archive/

Generating file meta data

Generate meta data for the files that you just moved into the some_project/data_set_1/archive directory.

$ arctool manifest create some_project/data_set_1

Creating the archive file

Create a tar ball of the data set.

$ arctool archive create some_project/data_set_1

# Add output here

Compressing the archive

Compress the archive using gzip compression.

$ arctool archive compress some_project/data_set_1

# Add output here

Moving the archive into long term storage

Finally move the gzipped tarball archive into your long term storage.

Deleting original data

Now you can delete the original data.

Tab completion

arctool supports tab completion for bash. To enable it, enter the following in your shell:

$ eval "$(_ARCTOOL_COMPLETE=source arctool)"

or add it to your .bashrc to enable permanently. You can also generate a sourceable bash shell with:

$ _ARCTOOL_COMPLETE=source arctool >

Logging with fluentd

arctool sends logs to fluentd, a logging system. The fluentd server can be set in two ways:

  1. By setting the FLUENTD_HOST environment variable, e.g.:

    $ export FLUENTD_HOST=my_host.domain
  2. By specifying the host on the command line, e.g.:

    $ arctool --fluentd-host my_host.domain <command>